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KJ Tait supports Aberdeen Standard Investments to reduce energy consumption by up to 20% in UK shopping centres.

Energy Efficiency
Operational Resilience
About K J Tait and Aberdeen Standard Investments.
K J Tait Engineers formed in 1978. They are a professional practice of Mechanical and Electrical and Public Health (MEP) building services engineers, with speciality in BIM, Bream, Energy, Design and FM. K J Tait constantly keep abreast of new technology and have experience in the implementation of the full range of renewable energy services, whilst providing design support to ensure compliance with regulations and preparation of Low and Zero Carbon Technology (LZCT) reports. Their facilities engineers specialise in the management, operation, energy efficiency and maintenance of building services in all property sectors.
Aberdeen Standard Investments is a leading global asset manager, dedicated to creating long‐term value for our clients. Among other property portfolio investments, they control a number of UK shopping centres, for which they have engaged the services of K J Tait to support.
What did we do for K J Tait and Aberdeen Standard Investments?
MY ZEERO Power Distribution Monitors (PDMs) were deployed in to a number of shopping centres in order to provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional sub-metering. We measure the majority of circuits within the LV switch rooms and provide a more granular real time view on the energy consumption by major plant equipment and landlord assets.
Using MY ZEERO's reporting and alerting capabilities, KJ Tait are providing an enhanced level of Facilities Management service.
The Results.
To date, K J Tait have implemented the MeasureMyEnergy service into 19 Aberdeen Standard buildings.
These buildings have all benefited from significant reductions in energy consumption attributable to the observations of and actions taken by K J Tait since MY ZEERO technology was installed.
One example of this was County Mall Shopping Centre in Crawley, Sussex, which saw a reduction of 20% and an estimated annual saving of £90,000.

The Customer's view.
“The information the system provides helps us to better manage and control energy consumption at each site. It allows us to identify areas of potential waste as well as managing the energy within tighter parameters. It also highlights in which areas we should potentially invest in other energy saving measures”
“We would expect the decision to install MeasureMyEnergy to payback within the first year based on the examples above as well as other properties we have been engaged in”
Richard Lytle, Facilities Director for K J Tait Engineers
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